Our little town isn't fully equipped to take credit cards at all establishments which makes having some cash on you an absolute necessity.  Something to be mindful of is that bank machines here all have a very meager daily limit and often have a long line.  Then they might not work at all.  Look at the bright side.  You get to go to the beach soon!

NCB - National Commercial Bank

Located at Bay Shore Plaza just west of the town center. This bank machine is probably our go to spot as it's usually not crowded. Maybe one or two people ahead of you most times. 


BNS - Bank of Nova Scotia

This is the main branch location for BNS. They have a few ATM's here and usually the lines are not too long and move fairly quickly.


NCB - National Commercial Bank

This is the main branch location for NCB in the town center. They have a few ATM's here and usually the lines quite long depending on the time of day. It's best to get there early as soon as the bank opens.  It can be quite difficult to find parking in the town center but most times you can find parking around Devon House Ice Cream.


FIBC First Caribbean International Bank

This ATM usually has a line as it's in the town center and at the actual bank branch.  It can be quite difficult to find parking in the town center but most times you can find parking around Devon House Ice Cream.


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